LVGEA Appoints Interim CEO.

LVGEA appoints Betsy Fretwell, former Las Vegas City Manager and F1 COO, as Interim CEO.

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Broadbent & Associates President, Randy Miller, discusses the growth and challenges of Nevada’s abandoned land mines and their role in them.

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Congratulations to Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas student, Matthew Birru, for being selected as the very first student representative on the Nevada State Public Charter School Authority governing board. This role will allow him to share the voice and perspective of students to those making decisions for so many.

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A student representative will soon be part of the Nevada State Public Charter School Authority governing board for the first time.

Matthew Birru of Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas said he owes the opportunity to provide a new perspective on that board to his family, who he called “gracious.” He hopes to turn that family-learned grace into a voice for his peers.

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