Las Vegas Business Press: Angelo Aragon, president of the Professional Firefighters of Nevada, Q&A.

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Angelo Aragon was elected in 2016 to the presidency of the Professional Firefighters of Nevada and took office Jan. 1. The Arizona native’s career with the Las Vegas Fire Department has spanned 32 years. He is a father of three children who has represented the Local 1285 union as secretary for the past 23 years. (more…)

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The Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada announced that Las Vegas Fire Fighters Local 1285 and Henderson Professional Fire Fighters Local 1883 have both been awarded two International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Media Awards for their public safety campaigns. More than 250 entries were evaluated across all categories. (more…)


The Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285 donated $1,900 to the Movember Foundation, which addresses some of men’s major health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer and mental health. (more…)


On Nov. 17, the Las Vegas Firefighters (Local 1285) presented a check for $4,029 to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. (more…)

lv-fire(Photo Courtesy of Q100 Vegas)

As if our Las Vegas Firefighters don’t do enough, these guys and gals are on a mission for the month of October. (more…)

On set at KLAS TV Channel 8‘s Good Day morning show with Las Vegas Firefighter Todd Ingalsbee. 

Buy your Breast Cancer Awareness shirt now by clicking, here.

Dan Pentkowski, Henderson Professional Firefighters President, and Scott Johnson, Las Vegas Firefighters President, visited News 3 today to tell us the dangers of leaving a child unattended in a hot vehicle, and what you can do if you find a child in that situation. (more…)

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Con el objetivo de exponer estrategias para la prevención de ahogamientos, principalmente de niños, distintas autoridades del Sur de Nevada han creado eventos e iniciado campañas para tratar que dicho mensaje llegue a la comunidad del valle y así salvar vidas. (more…)


To read on the Veterans Reporter News website click, here.


Las temperaturas en nuestra ciudad aumentan considerablemente durante los días de verano y con esto los riesgos de insolación o conocidos también como “golpes de calor”.

Es por esto que el Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Las Vegas, los Bomberos Profesionales de Henderson y el Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Henderson lanzaron su campaña anual “Check Your Seats in the Heat” que en español se traduce como “Revise sus asientos durante el calor”, la cual tiene como objetivo el educar a la comunidad sobre el peligro de olvidar o dejar los niños y mascotas en vehículos calientes durante los meses de verano. (more…)