13 Action News: Gordon McCaw Elementary School kicks off new robotics program.
October 22nd, 2015


Gordon McCaw Elementary School in Henderson held a kick-off party for its new robotics program last week.

Students and parents had the opportunity to meet engineers, robotic team members and instructors from Tronox, who is sponsoring the program.

Henderson Mayor Pro-Tem Debra March, Tronox Henderson Plant Manager Rick Stater, McCaw Vice Principal Wendy Hale and Basic High School Robotics Instructor Mark Reed were present to welcome students and speak about the importance of educational opportunities, like the robotics club, for Nevada students.

The students and parents also met members of the award-winning Basic High School robotics team, who demonstrated their robots.

Tronox presented a $2,000 check to the school for robotics software and other supplies.

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