Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada Welcome New Executive Board.
January 30th, 2017

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The Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada welcome three new members to the executive board and announce Angelo Aragon as the new president (Pictured above).

Cory Whitlock will serve as a southern district vice president and represent the Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285. Tom Dunn will serve as a northern district vice president and represent Reno Fire Fighters Association Local 731. Ian Satterfield will serve as a northern district vice president and represent Sparks Local 1265 and Truckee Meadows Local 3895, along with a few others. In these roles, they are responsible for ensuring affiliate locals are in compliance with their governing rules.

Angelo Aragon previously served as president pro tempore for PFFN. Aragon has dedicated more than 32 years to the fire service and to protecting the people in the Las Vegas community.

“It is an honor and a privilege to serve as president of this organization,” said Aragon. “I congratulate the new members of our executive board and I look forward to the many achievements that we will accomplish together.”

About the Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada:

The Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada was founded on April 4, 1960 and today includes 1,850 active members and 100 retired members through 18 Locals that include Boulder City, Carson City, Central Lyon County, East Fork, Elko County, Henderson, Incline Village, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Mt. Charleston, North Lyon County, Pahrump, Reno, Reno Airport, Sparks, Storey County, Tahoe Douglas, and Truckee Meadows. It is the mission of all members of the Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada to save lives, preserve property and the environment, promote public safety and foster economic growth through leadership, management and actions. For more information on the Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada, visit www.pffn.org.