International Association of Fire Fighters Media Awards.




First Place

“Safe Pools Rule!” and “Check Your Seats in the Heat,” Las Vegas, NV Local 1285 and Henderson, NV Local 1833. Submitted by: Las Vegas, NV Local 1285 and Henderson, NV Local 1833

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Con el objetivo de exponer estrategias para la prevención de ahogamientos, principalmente de niños, distintas autoridades del Sur de Nevada han creado eventos e iniciado campañas para tratar que dicho mensaje llegue a la comunidad del valle y así salvar vidas. (more…)

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HENDERSON/LAS VEGAS – The Las Vegas Firefighters (Local 1285) and the Henderson Professional Firefighters (Local 1883) launched their safety campaign, “Safe Pools Rule!” with a press conference on April 13 at Cowabunga Bay.

This is the second year that the two locals have teamed up to spread awareness about pool safety in our community, focusing on the A, B, C, and Ds of drowning prevention: Adult supervision, pool Barriers, Classes such as CPR and swim lessons, and Devices like life vests.  (more…)
