Tronox Assists Basic Academy Robotics with Donation.

Tronox, a manufacturing plant in Henderson, recently donated $5,000 to benefit students in the robotics club at Basic Academy of International Studies.

The donation assisted the program by providing students with an extracurricular activity that will brighten their futures. Due to the generous donation and community support that Tronox provides, Basic Robotics Club now has back-to-back state championship wins in robotics to add to its list of achievements.

After 70 qualification matches last weekend, Basic’s Z team was undefeated and remained as the top seed going into the finals. The Basic Z team partnered with Basic’s A team and a team from Clark High School to crush every other opponent in the tournament. Basic’s Z team went 14-0, defeating top-ranked Cimarron High School in multiple matches, which is an unprecedented accomplishment at a state-level tournament.

Basic Robotics Club will now begin to prepare for the U.S. Open Robotics Championship that takes place early April in Iowa, as well as the VEX Robotics World Championship (High School Division) in Kentucky in late April. The team is currently fundraising to meet the costs for their travel expenses to the U.S. Open and VEX World Championships.

“It heartens me to see these students competing in national robotics competitions. I saw a need to drive STEM programs and thankfully was able to assist with that need,” said Rick Stater, Henderson plant manager at Tronox. “We are proud to help the programs succeed, and we enjoy being an integral part of these learning opportunities.”

To donate to the Basic Robotics program, please contact Mark Reed at mlreed@interact.ccsd.net.

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The Henderson Chamber of Commerce helped three public schools’ robotics teams: Nate Mack Elementary, Greenspun Junior High and Basic Academy of International Studies. Last spring, the Henderson Chamber of Commerce Foundation raised $12,500 to help the teams’ students represent Nevada at the 2017 VEX Robotics Worlds Competition. Mayor-elect Debra March also donated $1,000, and Tronox donated $2,500 to Basic outside of the foundation’s efforts.

Dan Shaw, president and CEO of Rustler Investments, donated $5,000 to the Henderson Symphony Orchestra.

To view on the VEGAS INC website, please click here.




You read the title, rolled your eyes, and groaned. “Not another article on safety.” Or, maybe, you said, “Ah-ha, I knew all along safety wasn’t a priority.”

“Safety is our number one priority! Safety First!”

The claims make me cringe. The slogans put safety in competition with production. Are you somebody who declares, “Safety First!” until production, slips, stumbles and falls behind schedule? Perhaps corners are cut, hazards don’t seem so risky. And perhaps injuries happen.



On March 2, 2015 at 10 a.m., Gordon McCaw Elementary School’s McCaw School of Mines will reach its 90,000th visitor since its opening in 1996. The McCaw School of Mines hosts 4th grade students from around the valley to give them a hands-on Nevada history lesson where they can pan for gold, experiment with rocks and minerals, and tour the grounds where artifacts of the past are displayed.
