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KTVN Channel 2 – Reno Tahoe Sparks News, Weather, Video
First responders in Nevada now have a little extra protection under the law, with a bill signed Wednesday.
The Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285 donated $1,900 to the Movember Foundation, which addresses some of men’s major health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer and mental health. (more…)
On Nov. 17, the Las Vegas Firefighters (Local 1285) presented a check for $4,029 to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. (more…)
On set at KLAS TV Channel 8‘s Good Day morning show with Las Vegas Firefighter Todd Ingalsbee.
It’s breast cancer awareness month and to support the cause Las Vegas Firefighters are selling T-Shirts to support the Susan G. Komen foundation locally. Todd Ingalsbee explains how locals can get involved.
To view video on the News 3 website click, here.